Wardrobe editing meets organization with the Total Closet Edit. If you feel overwhelmed in your closet because you "have a closet full of clothes but nothing to wear," and feel disorganized at the same time, this service is for you.

The Total Closet Edit includes up to 4 hours of time with Courtney and Jessica in your closet; Courtney will help you edit your wardrobe, purging any items that need to be retired, then putting together new and refreshed outfits using the items you keep. She'll take photos of each outfit and create a custom Look Book for you, so you can take the hassle out of getting dressed each morning. She'll also give you a shopping list of anything you need to add into your wardrobe.

Then, Jess will use her organization skills to transform your closet into a more functional, streamlined and pretty space. She will teach you efficient storage solutions, tips and tricks for getting and STAYING organized, and will even have storage options on hand for purchase should you not have the best solutions

After the Total Closet Edit, you'll feel less overwhelmed, more organized, and ready to tackle each day with an organized closet and a refreshed outlook on your wardrobe.


*Add on personal shopping (2 hours) for just $250! ($350 value)